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Tonette C. Robinson



Since 2012

Novels by Tonette C. Robinson
About Us

"Tonette C. Robinson -- Milwaukee Wisconsin


"Met a brilliant team of experts from Authorhouse Publishing Company, Inc., from Bloomington Indiana. She is the author whom wrote two remarkable pieces of literature out in the market book brand types to accompany a fine writer's published works in the making. Well, a genius at work Press Agent/Public Relations Director, Matthew Bryant of the Bohlsen group discovered she is still multi-talented and a unique individual author and set out to work on her social media campaign after the book releases it's press titles by the Bohlsen Group Advertising Press Agency. The first book is doing exceptionally well by market brand of consumer purchases that are not average sales but a wide quota is administered daily reports it's findings are excellent. There is no other Professional Writer on this planet than Tonette C. Robinson. She is remarkable in her own right. Mr. Matthew K. Bryant her brilliant Marketing Executive of his remarkable Advertising Agency knows she is phenomenal too."

"Over time, Authorhouse try a branded number of ways and strategies on the promotions it self. Yet, through it all, our results were not disappointing with the author. While Tonette continued to flourish and work hard on self-developed techniques was also to improve her self-image with Authorhouse, as well."


"Authorhouse and Tonette knew there was work that needed to be done and tried a variety of selling promotions and strategies to market a great brand by it's Sales force teams and Authorhouse remained patient. Tonette is very pleased with their diligent efforts and results. Robinson still finds them awfully too kind to say the least as they stood up for this author through trying tests and times, too. They were always professional and has a unique, blended shiek kind of type of real Publishing force to be reckoned with. God Bless Your Hearts! Yet, through it all, our results were not disapppointing and we do keep in touch from time to time."


"According to Authorhouse Personnel Staff Correspondent named Mrs. Dana Villarte, knew the team was busy with the whole promotional process. While Robinson continued to flourish her unique brand we remained discreet, and continued to work hard and developed Tonette 's artists appeal mark she studied and acquired newly self developed techniques at her own leisure, which was also to improve her self-image with Authorhouse, too before branching out with any of other teams pro-rights demands and prefer to release my own style when the time comes is what is ideological about this Prolific new Face in the Book Writing Industry. Please catch a glinpse of her website."

"Tonette C. Robinson works can be found on, barnes and noble bookstores online (, any retail sales media outlets anywhere books are sold, resold for purchase and any ebook face downloads apps."


"Please follow me @url:, video vlog on youtube and and much more is forthcoming. Check out my blogs, the new website soon, too. Your feedback and suggestions is greatly appreciated. Tonette C. Robinson welcomes you, my family, friends and fans! Let me hear from you!"

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Authorhouse Publishing Company, Inc., LLC

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"Please follow my blogs:, video vlog on youtube and and much more is forthcoming. 

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