"I Got the Juice From Authorhouse!"
"One on One Conversation with my Publicist Matthew K. Bryant"
"Photo Props of Tonette C. Robinson Creates a Scrapbook of Fond Memories with her Family, etc.!"
"New Projects Keep Proclaimed Author Tonette C. Robinson of Authorhouse Pub. Company, Busy!"
"My Excellent Publishing team at Authorhouse, Inc. out of Bloomington!"
Meeting Matthrew K. Bryant for the 1st Time!
Tonette's Momma Letha Passes 2016 & Grandma Dolly 2012, Tombstone, "Family Photo's, R.I.P.!"
Reflections from Last Year "2019"
What's New for 2020!
Christmas Day 2019 with the Robinson's!
Christmas is Already Just Around the Corner!...
A Holiday Passed and Major Finals Are Out the Way!
"Books Break a Writer Free from Sheltered Past!"
"Writer's Block; U, Just Don't Frock It!"
"Both Tonette & Neisha team up for a Good Job on Planned Parenthood Project in our Class at MMU..."
"Up Close and Personal with the Robinson's VLOG Video on YouTube!"
"Mood Swings, Real Issues in Life, Book Tells No Tale!"
"Woman on the Edge book, Ch. 8 Excerpt, Life or Death by Tonette C. Robinson & Authorhouse!..."
"Book Clubs Are Fascinating! I'd like to lead one, someday soon!"
Author's Book Works Are Still Blooming!